Macaroon Cookie
The macaroon is a well-known cookie made from meringue and almond poudre.

Yesterday, my mother went to cake class and learned the recipe of the macaroon. She made two kinds, plain and chocolate.
The plain one is with butter cream between, and it's very soft and not so sweet.
The chocolate one is with chocolate cream & raspberry jam between and tastes sweeter and crunchy.
I really liked the plain one! I was almost gonna eat the rest of all...
>Karube- san
Yeah, I really liked the macaroons that you guys made. My mom said the teacher praise you and her for those macaroons though other students couldn't make well. You guys have taken classes for 5 years, haven't you? I think you can open up your own cake shop soon!
Oh, my goodness! The way of eating that you mentioned sounds so nice! " dip the macaroon in a really good dark chocolate..." I should try, but first of all, I need to ask my mom to bake macaroon!!
Well, actually I don't know very much... sorry! But accodrding to my mom, the teacher said other students' macaroons didn't swell but my mom & her friend's ones did!! So I will ask them the secret of success!
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