Today's Sweets
I made the "Shiratama-Mochi with Sesame Sauce" for today's snack.

25g Sesame
1/4 cup Milk
1 tablespoon Honey
1 tablespoon Sugar
50g Shiratama powder
50cc Water
Since we were out of black sesame, I substituted white one as it. Though using black one could make a better contrast with the white shiratama, it's okey this time because it's trial.
First, I started on sesame sauce. I ground sesame with the pestle. It was pretty hard to keep grinding, and I gave up doing that in 10 minutes! ( Do you think I am lazy?) Then I added milk, honey and ... salt instead of sugar! I noticed my mistake when I tasted it to see if it's sweet enough. Yes, it was salty enough! Therefore I should have started all over again. I could succeed in making sauce this time.
Second, during refrigerating the sesame sauce, I set about making the shiratama- mochi. How to make it is as usual.
Finally, I put the cooled shiratama into a dish and poured the sesame sauce on it!
The impression of tasting... it was quite nice! I felt the aromatic sesame smell and fine sweetness. I thought, however, it would be much better to grind sesame more and to strain the sauce once. I will try again with black sesame next time.
It looks delicious and beautiful though you used white sesame.
I might be prefer to use white one rather than black one.
It is very suitable for this month because it looks like a Dango of Tsukimi(お月見団子).
Do you wanna be patissier?
Now I'm in the office(・_・、)
I have to go back to the work.
mama's friend
I thought it's better to use "Nerigoma" because the skin of sesame made the sauce rough.
I didn't like it.
Do you know how to make "Nerigoma" easily?
Is it clever to buy one on sale?
Yes! It is "Tukimi" month!
I haven't seen the moon for a while...
Though it's always above us, we sometimes forget its existence.
Let's "Ue wo muite arukou"!
By the way, the French bread you made was so delicious!!
The outside was very crisp and inside was moist.
And smell was whetted my appetite!
Thank you for sharing!!
Do you know this flour?
My coworker told me that we can make very, very delicious bread with this.
As you can see, the price is...not reasonable, but according to her, it's gonna be sooooo good.
Have you tried before?
If you have info, please tell me!
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