Pop-up Celebration by Robert Sabuda

The exhibition, "Pop-up Celebration by Robert Sabuda," was held in Ikebukuro. His work is getting famous in Japan because of his shining talent. His work charms us with its brilliance, delicateness and incomparable beauty.

The show that huge paper crafts were putting out was powerful and breathtaking.
Because it's much too 3-D crafts, I wonder how every pop-up is packed into the book when it's closed.
We got three books that we liked at the exhibition.
Cookie Count
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Alice's adventures in Wonderland

Open these books !!
You must be drawn into Sabuda's magical world !!
- Robert Sabuda -
Robert Sabuda grew in a small village in Michigan, the U.S.. He made first pop-up of " The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" for his parents. He went to the art institute in N.Y. and aimed to be an illustrator. The training at publishing company led him to be an author of picture book.