Cats & Dogs Brought Nice Dinner!
It's raining cats and dogs in Tokyo Tonight!
In the early evening, the sky got dark and started raing soon.
I did know it was gonna rain tonight,
so I brought my umbrella to the office.
But it didn't work so much...
When I left the office, it was already cats and dogs!
I prepared to get wet and decided to go home ASAP.
When I got home, I was sopping wet.
My mom got home a little earlier than me.
She said that she got wet a lot on her way home, too.
After 15 minutes later, My dad got home.
He seemed he diceded to go home ASAP, too.
It was awful weather today.

But because of it, everyone got home earlier than usual.
Though we usually can't be gathered at dinner time on weekday, I could spend good dinner time with all the family members tonight.
So I wanna thank this weather!
I am so sorry for your daughter...
I know what she said.
I am going to Disney Land today!
It must be the best weather for a holiday today!!
Cats and Dogs... it's not familiar phrase for us, isn't it? But it's very common expression in the U.S. Raining as if cats and dogs are running around and barking everywhere. It's interesting, huh?
Yeah, it was very nice day for Disneyland! The sun shine poured all day, and there was a lovely cool breeze. Everyone in the park looked enjoying that weather! Of course I did^^
But I played too much yesterday, I am so tired today... ^^;
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