Leonardo da Vinci
"Leonardo daVinci"---What do you recall when you hear this name?

An artist? or An inventor? or An architecture??
Now "Leonardo da Vinci Exhibition" is held in Roppongi Hills. Since I saw the poster at the station a couple of months ago, I had been looking forward to it. And today, I went there after the work.
When you think about da Vinci, most of you might recognize him as an artist. He surely is because he left several famous paintings, like "The Mona Lisa," "The Last Supper," and "The Virgin of Rocks."
BUT this is just one side of his character. In reality, he described himself as a "scientist." For proof of that, while his paintings are just about ten and most of those are unfinished, the codex that he took his own study and experiment down are left at least 8,000 pages! The one of those codices, The Codex Leicester, is featured in this exhibition.

His study covered the astronomy, the anatomy, the architecture, the nature, the geology, and more. He recorded those studies with beautiful sketches. And the most surprising thing was that he wrote in mirrored character. It means you can read normally if you see it in a mirror.
How can I describe him? I can say just "He is the very genius." And I can also say "Genius is only one remove from insanity."
By way of parenthiesis, this codex now belongs to Bill Gates from Microsoft. He provides it once a year in one place in the world. Of course, this is the first exhibition in Japan. I am very curious to know which city this is going to be held next...
> Dai-chan
Hi, Dai-chan!! Thank you for visiting here. I've already read "Da Vinci Code," and then I got interest in da Vinci. Actually, I am almost finishing reading another novel written by Dan Brown, "Deception Point." It is also exciting story.
Yeah, I remember you said you are coming to Japan in this autumn. Do you have a plan to our way??
This is a lovely blog! It is nice to keep in touch with you in this way. I can see how you are doing. So, you went to the exhibition, huh? I am also thinking to visit it, so I enjoyed reading your blog! And you know what? I have the book “Da Vinci Code” as well. Wow, it seems really popular.
As you mentioned, I need to do KOROMO-GAE. Have you done that?
I miss you. Why don’t we have a cup of coffee (or two cups??) somewhere in the nice place?
Thank you for your comment! I stole your idea. Sorry...
Yes, I went to da vinci exhibition. It was interesting and even surprising. You should visit there. It'll finish in a month.
I miss you, too. Let's plan for several cups of tea! I am e-mailing you later!
> Naoko
I think those rumor could be truth. When I watched that exhibition, I felt he is not only genius but also very, very sensitive person. So he might be able to feel something different from us.
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